Wednesday, August 7, 2013

  So as things stand, Lady Dresden flew down from Wetlandia and reclaimed the Reverend Mother. They are now returned to their native environment and husbands. I miss them, terribly.

  Doc G-Y says: (after feeling me up and poking and prodding) Looks good, can't feel anything, see you in a year.
  Doc Z says: (after listening to my list of side effects and shaking his head) Your chemistry has responded to everything we've done a little differently than most. Don't take the med for a week before your tests (memory-loss) and don't take the med after 10am (insomnia). Otherwise, looks great. See you in 6 months.
  Doc Lee says: Surgery #2 Late Oct/ Early Nov.     Surgery #3 (last one) in Feb after I return from Wetlandia and helping deliver Frack's baby.

   Frack and Crush are expecting!!! Frack is due Feb 4th, and I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, I'm calling this one Squirt ( Fin, Noggin', Duuude!). 

  School for me starts on Aug. 26th. Intermediate Algebra and Microbiology this semester.

  Fuzzy and I are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this Sept. so guess where we're going? (No, not Disneyland.) Vegas, Baby! Airfare's paid for, timeshare's paid for, babysitting is arranged for t he Minions... woohoo!

Current Score: Life Sucketh: 2pts, Travel Industry: 0pts. (in your face!), Wonder Dragon: 4pts

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