Friday, October 25, 2013

Little Home in the Interm...

   Official word is, I have moved my family into a temporary home while we sell the house. The minions, the pets, Fuzzy and I are now living in a modest 3-bedroom rental. Some have asked me, "how do you like the new place?" My answer is: small. I have down-sized from 2600 sq ft to 1300 sq ft.

Plus side: less to clean, less to pay (rent), easy exit plan, no second floor, trees, it's only till June, they are pet-friendly.

Down side: half my kitchen is in storage, the walls are so thin you can hear a spider fart on the other side of the house, the floors have no carpet (can you say "cold feet"), if you flush it steals the cold water from your shower, smaller fridge, no pantry, electric range.

Yes, I'm complaining. I do that on occasion. 

Truth is, it's only for 8 months, and I can tolerate almost anything for 8 months. (three pregnancies proves that). I'm also looking forward to the end result of being back with the majority of the Clan.

On other fronts... Micro is a solid B. Algebra is an A. Classes are going well. I'm not sure if I'm going to pick up an online course next semester, things will be more hectic than usual. Especially with the trip to Wetlandia in January. Right now we're looking at having Mick fly down and help me drive the u-haul up to Clan territory so I can take the storage run up ahead of the move. I would then fly back after Squirt makes an appearance.

All-hallows has landed with a vengeance at my place and the porch has sprouted bats, spiders, skulls and vampire pumpkins. Unfortunately, my camera has disappeared somewhere in the move, so use your imaginations. I mentioned to Demon that I think my mental health is improving, I haven't seriously decorated for All-Hallows since 2010.

And now I think I'll go watch the new Dracula series....

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Long and too short of it...

SO.. the current list of projects looks something like this: *Finnish Frack's garters for the wedding. *Start school. *Clean House *Start packing *Find Rental *Start ppwk for Demon's name change *Laundry *Start on Christmas presents *Write that fanfic for Reverend Mother.... ... and what do I spend my free time doing? My nails. Making more jewelry. Facebook. I even went so far as to take Easter Bunny out for coffee and a pedi. For the record, I think that the DJ is starting to grow on me. He's pretty good with E.B.'s minions. Also, I made contact with Lord Stormbright (for those of you who knew him). It's been a while, and I miss the hell out of him. We are now discussing the possibility of a Clan Gather as early as next Summer. I think it would be awesome. Plus, Squirt will be here by then. So now off to school...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Egyptian Collar

Egyptian-style Collar
Blown, black & cream/ gold seed & bugle beads woven with Czech faceted crystal.
Length: 18"  Width: 2 1/4"                          Price: $50 + $4.95 s/h

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

  So as things stand, Lady Dresden flew down from Wetlandia and reclaimed the Reverend Mother. They are now returned to their native environment and husbands. I miss them, terribly.

  Doc G-Y says: (after feeling me up and poking and prodding) Looks good, can't feel anything, see you in a year.
  Doc Z says: (after listening to my list of side effects and shaking his head) Your chemistry has responded to everything we've done a little differently than most. Don't take the med for a week before your tests (memory-loss) and don't take the med after 10am (insomnia). Otherwise, looks great. See you in 6 months.
  Doc Lee says: Surgery #2 Late Oct/ Early Nov.     Surgery #3 (last one) in Feb after I return from Wetlandia and helping deliver Frack's baby.

   Frack and Crush are expecting!!! Frack is due Feb 4th, and I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, I'm calling this one Squirt ( Fin, Noggin', Duuude!). 

  School for me starts on Aug. 26th. Intermediate Algebra and Microbiology this semester.

  Fuzzy and I are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this Sept. so guess where we're going? (No, not Disneyland.) Vegas, Baby! Airfare's paid for, timeshare's paid for, babysitting is arranged for t he Minions... woohoo!

Current Score: Life Sucketh: 2pts, Travel Industry: 0pts. (in your face!), Wonder Dragon: 4pts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

And Now.... for some project pictures:

A dream catcher I made for a friend of mine's grand-daughter.
Red an Hematite bracelet

 Hematite and Purple crystal bracelet

 Green & Gold Celtic Knot bracelet.

 Black & silver/ Red & silver rosary with Hematite Cross

Starbucks Cupcakes! Left one is Chocolate Mocha, Right one is Carmel Frappuccino. I won the Neighborhood baking contest with these....

Thursday, July 11, 2013

About last night...

So, last night one of the aunties took the 2 smallest Minions for a sleep-over. Fuzzy gets this brilliant idea that he needs to spend time with me and guess what..... there is absolutely NOTHING to do. Wednesday night, no movies I'm interested in until Friday, local performing arts theater is closed, state fair AND county fair both start on Friday, 3 (count them, 3) casinos within driving distance and not one has any live entertainment. Even the the Pub and the Lounge we occasionally frequent are dead.

Where did we end up? Dinner. O.k. Don't get me wrong, dinner was good; maybe not as good as what they charged us, but it was good. Carnivorous Dragon had the Veal, Fuzzy Medic had the Salmon. But, after dinner we stared at each other. Next? Arcade? No, too kiddo. Ice Cream? Nope, too full. Bar? Neither of us wants to drink. Mall? Ok, Mall it is. Drive acrossed town and... Mall closed 5 minutes ago.

15 minutes later we're at Walmart. Then back to the house. Where Demon and Lady Elise have declared "Movie Night" and kidnapped The Wingman. Fuzzy plugs int GoT on the computer, The Living Room is full of Oz the Great and powerful, and the nerves in my back go off, effectively ruining the rest of my night.

Official Score: Minions - 1     Dragon: 0

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Welcome to the Clan!

For behold, I am Wren the Wonder Dragon.... and I bring you tales from the archive of our Clan. Those of you who are Clan (or Pack, or Mine) you know who you are. (Epically you Reverend Mother Elise). All names mentioned here are strictly fictions, and made up for our own purposes. Characters should bear no resemblance to anything or anyone living or dead, and are mainly leftovers from old role-playing game campaigns, therefore don't sue me...

I really have no idea why I started this, other than A) everyone seems to have one, and B) it seemed like a good Idea at the time? What do I intend to post on here? IDK... I guess we'll all just follow along and watch as it happens.

Apologies in advance for missing or excessive "c"'s. the C key is stuck, even after Fuzzy spent 2 hrs cleaning the frelling thing this morning. Running theory is that one of the Minions spilled a soda on it.

For those of you who have NO IDEA what I'm talking about, Here's the Cast list:

CAST: (in order of appearance, somewhat)

Wren the Wonder Dragon - Me, Author of this Blog, Pack Alpha, occasionally Wife, Mom, Student,
                                             and to some Official Pain in the Ass.

Fuzzy -                                 My husband, also Dad, the Medic, and occasionally the thing that
                                             vexes me.

The Minions -                     My offspring, fruit of my loins, future of my genetic line. There are only
                                            3 but they feel like 300.
         Demon -                     The teenage Minion. Often found with questionably clean socks and a
                                            headphone in one ear. Brilliant but lazy.
         Pookie -                     The grade-school Minion, short tempered, unpredictable, brilliant. Often
                                            found in possession of LEGOS and a Transformer. Speeks
                                            Cybertronian fluently.
         Fruit Salad -               The youngest, but also the fastest Minion in the house. Pre-school aged
                                            and thinks he's 16. Also unpredictable and brilliant. Often found tailing
                                            Pookie and copying his every move. Speeks Cybertronian passably.

Reverend Mother Elise -    My Sister, best friend, second in command, The Clarice to my
(aka Lady Elise)                 Ouiser. Often found in another state, when she's not sitting next
                                            to me in jail.

That should get you through for the now. I'll update the cast list as we go.